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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Happy Birthday, Cameron!!

I have always wanted to be one of those cool moms that writes everything down in the kid's baby books or writes in a journal for the kids to read later in life.  But, I haven't.  I have had three chances to finish baby books and haven't completely filled out a single one.  Maybe I will get those out and see what I can do.  I decided today that I would get on here and write Cameron a letter.  I have seen on other blogs that I can have my blog printed.  I would love to do that so my children would have something to look back on when they get older.  

Dear Cameron (a.k.a. Buggy),

Happy 9th Birthday, big boy!!  Yesterday, your Nana took us all to Chuck E. Cheese and to get some jeans and a new pair of shoes for school.  You had requested a trip to Chuck E. Cheese, so that is what we did.  After we left there, we stopped at Gigi's Cupcakes so that we could all pick out a cupcake to bring home.  You got a chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing and chocolate chips on top!  I would have been shocked if you had picked something different.

Today, your actual birthday, we went to church and out to eat at the Bald Butcher.  You love the Sunday buffet there.  When we came home you opened presents.  You got some games for the Wii and Nintendo DS and a movie.  It is hard to buy for the kid who has everything.  I know a lot of people say that, but I really mean it!!  Nana came over a little later for a bit and brought a chocolate Avenger's cake and chocolate ice cream.

One day, when you have children of your own, you will see and fully understand how much I love you.  It is a love that only a mother has for her son.   I just want you to know that my love for you is special though.  You have saved my life.  You have continued to give me love and compassion that can come from no other. Your sweet soul constantly reminds me of how special you are.

You were too young to realize what was going on when we lost your sister.  I know that you knew something wasn't right, but I don't think you fully comprehended what.  After she died, I was not the best mom in the world.  I wasn't a bad mom, but I was doing the best I could.  We ate a lot of frozen dinners and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  But, I would see you playing or your would come climb up in my lap and that was the best thing in the world.  You have no idea how much that helped me.  You are the one that gave me hope.  You are the one that made me get up and go again.  I don't think anyone or anything could have helped me more than you did.

You have developed such a sweet and caring personality.  You are a giver and you have to make sure that everyone around you is happy.  You are so smart!  Even though I knew it already, all of your teachers were amazed at how smart you are.  I love to watch how you and your brother play.  You are so gentle and kind with him, even when he is being mean to you.  

I hope that you have enjoyed reading this letter as much as I have enjoyed writing to you.  Thank you so much for being the coolest, most kind-hearted person I know.  I still can't believe you are turning 9 though.  You are growing up entirely too fast.  I told you that the other day and you put your hand on my shoulder and said "I'm sorry, Mom.  But I have to grown up some time!"  I love you, Boo!!!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Cameron! Hope you had a great time at Chuck E. Cheese and won lots of tickets so you could get a good prize! Skee-ball is my favorite, but Joshua likes the basketball toss. Enjoy your last year in "single-digits"!
