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Friday, November 2, 2012

I really do have the funniest kid on Earth!!

First, I have to complain a phone won't come on!!!  I hate that I rely on it so much, but I do.  I have almost sent myself into a panic attack because I haven't been able to get it on in a little over an hour.  I have already needed to text a friend about a recipe and add an important date on the calendar.  It just won't turn on...

NOW...on to the funniest kid part!!  I had Parent Teacher conference the other day.  Austin's teacher sent home a sign up sheet and I was just going to go by Cameron's class when I was done.  (BOTH of Cameron's teachers were gone...door locked, lights off!!)  I took a picture of a tree that Austin made that was hanging in the hallway and Miss Carolyn (Austin pronounces it Miss Curlin) gave me a book he had made.  So, when I got home Austin was sitting at the table and the following conversation actually happened:

Me: (shows Austin the book)  Look what I have!!  Who made this?
Austin: I made that!!!
Me: (shows him the picture on MY PHONE) Well, who made this?
Austin: I made that too!!!
Me:  Then, where have I been today?
Austin:  Work!!
Me:  (chuckle) Yes, but where did I get this stuff?
Austin:  At my school?  Did you go to my school?
Me:  Yes!!  I went and talked to your teacher and she was telling me what a good boy you are and how smart you are!!
Austin:  Really?
Me:  Yes, she sure did!
Austin:  That's what I'm talking about!!!!
Me: ...........
Austin:  Yeah, baby!!!  (fist pump)  That is what I am talking about, baby!!!

I looked at his Daddy and I just bust out laughing.  Where does he get it?  He is 4 year old?  I don't know where he gets it.  It was just one of those conversations that has to be remembered.  

Until next time...