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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cotton Season and Codependency

We are into week three of cotton season.  Greg has worked the last two weekends so this is week three with no day off for him.  And I have to brag on him a minute.  This man kept the kids all day because Austin threw a HUGE fit to stay home with him and on top of that got three loads of laundry done, two suppers fixed, and did all the dishes, ran errands and was at work for his 3-11 shift.  I sat at the dinner table tonight eating the wonderful food he made and cried thinking about how much I love this man and how lucky we are to have him.

Which brings us to the codependency part.  I am terrible with this.  It is a BIG character defect of mine and cotton season always fairs hard for me in the beginning.  I usually start getting used to it about the time it is over!!  I only get to see my husband on the weekends from the time he gets up until he has to leave for work.  I am not used to it and I don't like it (and yes, I stomped my foot as I wrote that)!!  Austin is probably having the hardest time, though.  They have gotten to see there daddy this week because it is fall break and I have been leaving before Greg wakes up, but I have left the boys for Greg to take to daycare so he can see them for a few hours. I have a feeling next week when we get back to all of us leaving before Greg wakes up that it will be a different story with the boys.  I hope not is hard to tell a 4 year old that his daddy won't be home in time to see him before bed.

Another reason I don't like cotton season is that the fall is always the time for fun, family stuff and we never get to do it.  One of his co-workers usually trade with him on Halloween and he will work the morning shift so he can be off the evening.  This year, our church is having a Trunk or Treat, which I am ecstatic about, and he will be there for that.  There are a couple more church activities I want to do with him, but can't.  They are also showing a screening of The Sandlot at the Auto Zone park one night that we can't do.  Plus, just the fact that fall is by far my favorite season and I don't ever get to enjoy it with my husband stinks!!

I guess I am done whining!! The only other thing is that I don't sleep well without my husband.  Ok, that is really it now!!  On a much lighter note, Monday is my BIRTHDAY!!!  It is also Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day!  So we will be remembering Abby and all her angel friends on this day.  Please join me in lighting candles or doing whatever you want to do to help remember all of our babies that have gone too soon.

Until next time...